On this page you will find the questions that travellers most often ask us. Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question or go to practical information page.
From Amman:
Bus: daily, 9-10JD
Taxi: 120 JD
From Petra:
Bus: One per day leaving at 6am, arriving in Wadi Rum at about 8.15am. Check with the bus company the day before to make sure it will leave on time.
Normally the bus leaves at 8:30am for Petra.
Taxi: 40JD
From Aqaba:
Bus: Aqaba bus station. From the police station, walk to the top of Post Street. 3JD 12pm-1pm
From Wadi Rum to Aqaba bus at about 7am.
Taxi: 20JD from downtown Aqaba to Wadi Rum (and vice versa). 25JD from Aqaba south beach to Wadi Rum (and vice versa)
40JD from Aqaba airport to Wadi Rum (and vice versa)
We provide three meals a day, unlimited tea, bottled water and all the equipment to spend the night (mattresses, blankets, a tent if you wish) and of course your private Bedouin guide.
What to bring: We advise you to cover your head (hat or cap) and to bring sun cream. Think of taking a small backpack to carry what you need during the day. A torch or headlamp will be very useful for night time "toilet trips" as well as toilet paper and small plastic bags to dispose of your waste.
Clothing: comfortable clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. Take good hiking boots or trekking sandals with socks. For the night, a fleece or a big warm jumper.
Wadi Rum has only a few small shops selling food and drink. There are no supermarkets, pharmacies, banks or ATMs nearby. For all this you have to go either to Qweirah (about 35 km) or Aqaba (about 60 km).
As far as sanitary facilities are concerned there are no showers in the desert. We provide water and as the desert is vast you will always find a quiet corner for your toilet.
Of course there are no toilets either but there are plenty of rocks to hide behind! We ask that you ensure that all your waste is buried. Toilet paper can either be burnt or taken away in a small plastic bag.
In general it is important to carry a small plastic bag for waste at all times. A rubbish bin will also be available in the car.
Payment is in cash in Jordanian Dinars at the end of your stay. Please note that there are no ATMs in Wadi Rum and that we do not accept credit cards.
Our visitors range in age from a few months to over 70 years! We adapt to their pace and abilities. As the routes taken often require walking on unstable terrain it is of course necessary to be able to move around on your own and without equipment.
For babies parents sometimes choose to come with a folding bed. We advise you to have something to carry your children on your back if you want to go on even short walks.
We also regularly welcome pregnant women and on the same principle we adapt to the desired rhythm.
Yes ! Thanks to the bivouac sites selected by your guides (sheltered by the rock) the wood fire and our large blankets the camp temperature is always pleasant and we sleep outside all year round. If the weather is exceptionally cold or if you are particularly chilly don't worry. We can offer you individual tents or to spend the night in a traditional Bedouin tent.
Important: We cannot wash our mattresses and blankets between visitors. If you are sensitive and wish to sleep on a very clean cloth we ask you to bring your own duvets or meat bags (a sheet sewn into a sack to sleep in so as not to dirty the inside) or sheets. If you do not bring anything with you please note that you will have to accept these mattresses and blankets shared between visitors.
There is no closed or guarded parking in Wadi Rum. However at the Guest House / Rest House there is a large free car park. Generally visitors find it safe and choose to leave their car there while in the desert. If this is not suitable for you we can provide private but unguarded parking in the village.
Il est tout à fait possible de voyager en Jordanie malgré le conflit israélo-palestiniens. Pour visiter le pays en toute sécurité nous vous conseillons de consulter régulièrement le site de l’ambassade de Jordanie.
Soutenez le tourisme jordanien local en réservant vos vacances avec de petites entreprises familiales. Sans vous elles ne pourront pas survivre à la crise dont elle souffre également aujourd’hui.
Contactez-nous pour plus d’informations.
Hello ! Ask your question to Atallah in English or to Evelyne in French and start chating with us on WhatsApp.
or send us an email to [email protected].